jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Electroscope G5

Last day we created an electroscope made of; A plastic bottle, some copper wire and two small pieces of foil.

How it is done? First, we made a hole in the top of the bottle, passing the copper wire through At the end of the wire we hooked the pieces of foil.
Functioning: The two strips, which are hooked to the wire, are located inside the bottle. On the outside, when rubbing a balloon against our hair and when approaching the protruding part of the wire, it is assumed that the strips should be repelled.
Conclusion: As we had said, when passing the balloon rubbed by copper, the strips repel each other

Group 5:
Álvaro Martín
Abel Gómez
Sara Prieto

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Writing of electroscope G -1

When we approach a charged object to the newly created apparatus, the negative charges are oriented to the top, while the  popsitive ones go towards the bottom of the apparatus. 
As the charges are the same, the aluminum folis are repelled away from each other, indicating that  element is electrostatically charged.
The operation of our electroscope is as follows:
We have used a balloon.
The balloon has been charged by rubbing it with the hair of a partner and what we have explained before with what happens when we approach a charged object to the new device.

Marta del Olmo
Rocío López
Marina Bartolomé
Salma Pérez



In this experiment the attractive and repulsion forces are verified between two sheets of silver foil by means of the induction of a loat across cupper wire A cork is placed crossing the lid of the glass jar, which works like insulating, it is sealed and there interferes a wire that comes up to the interior of the jar passing through the cork. The top of the wire that stays inside doubles forming a hook of which sheets of silver foil are hung. The exit of the cable to the surface of the jar doubles forming a spiral without touching each other. When you move a charged object closer to the spiral the sheets  of silver foil separate and on moving away the object the sheets move back together

Alba, Esther, Bea, Camila